Monday, February 27, 2006

From different land comes different people

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comes different people
but over here
every one is the same...

O mankind!
We created you from a single soul,
male and female,
and made you into nations and tribes,
so that you may come
to know one another.
the most honored of you
in God's sight
is the greatest of you in piety.
God is All-Knowing, All-Aware.

(Quran, 49:13)

The Clock Tower between the Minarets

The Clock Tower between the Minarets

It only tells when
the next prayer is
when the next meal is
and when the next nap is

is short
yet lengthy

and in between it
we solicit for forgiveness
we cry for The Lord

Then I, my God, confess my sins,
so forgive me for them.
I am he who did evil,
I am he who made mistakes,
I am he who purposed (to sin),
I am he who was ignorant,
I am he who was heedless,
I am he who was negligent,
I am he who relied (upon other than Thee),
I am he who premeditated,
I am he who promised,
I am he who went back on his word,
I am he who confessed (my sins)
and I am he who acknowledged Thy blessings upon me
and with me and then returned to my sins.
So forgive me for them,
O He who is not harmed by the sins of His servants
nor needs He their obedience.
He gives success through His aid and His mercy to
whomsoever of them works righteousness.
So praise belongs to Thee, My God and My Lord !

If the others knew

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how safe one feels
in this enchanted city

it shouts
out loud

that this
is the city
that the Prophet build

as a model
for the others to see.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Why is my heart still there

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when I am already here
back at home

was it that
I had left a portion of my heart
when I was there

that I longed to go back


I shall go back.

From far you came

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to visit the Prophet.

May he witness our coming on the day of Ressurection.

Ask HIM, and who knows

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You might even get to pray right at the front saff, right behind the imam in Masjid Nabawi and share the memory with friends.

Thank You God for this opportunity, I knew there were so many there, and yet you gave me this opportunity.

Thank You.

When will I be back again....

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God, allow me to come back again.

Waiting to Pray

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Outside the the Prophet's mosque in Madinah

Monday, February 20, 2006

In Madinah too

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Contruction of newer hotel and shopping
complexes around the Prophets Mosque
is on a very rapid phase.

Beyond the clean courtyard of the Mosque, buildings grow like mushrooms.

How is it, 5 years from now?

New Hotels and shopping complexes

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Around the Masjidil Haram
more and more new buildings
is being put up
and soon the Holy mosque
will be surrounded by this new buildings.
Azaming the number of cranes
that was put up
in one of the construction sites
and most work at night when it is a lot cooler.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

sunset at jeddah mall

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A city is a city
and Jeddah is like any other city
only difference is everything stops to halt
during prayers
and the shops close for magrib.

If you want wait until they finished praying.

But Jeddah had a history more than just that.

History: Jeddah has grown from humble origins. It began about 2,500 years ago as a tiny fishing settlement, established by the Quada's tribe. In AD647, Caliph Osman Ibn Affan chose Jeddah as the main port for the city of Makkah, and it became known as Bilad al Kanasil -- the City of Consulates. In the 16th century, the Ottomans built a stone wall around the town, in order to fortify it against attacks from the Portuguese. Originally, four gates were set in these walls, Bab Sherif opening towards the south, Bab Makkah facing east, Bab Madinah in the north wall and a west gate facing the Red Sea. Jeddah remained a fortified, walled town for centuries of Ottoman influence and was not released from Turkish rule until 1915. Further evidence of Turkish influence can be seen in Jeddah's architecture. The buildings of old Jeddah were tall and graceful, constructed of coral limestone and decorated with intricately beautiful wooden facades, known as rawasheen (singular roshan). These were designed not only to break up the sun's glare, but also to take advantage of the cooling sea breezes when the inner windows were opened. One cannot help but feel that, with the enclosure of the town within high, fortified walls, the sea breezes may not have stood much chance of reaching Jeddah's early inhabitants; hence their penchant for building their houses tall and for sleeping on the roofs on hot summer nights. The origin of the city's name poses an interesting dilemma for etymologists. Juddah (pronounced Jiddah) in Arabic means seashore, which seems logical enough, but the school of thought which prefers Jaddah or grandmother, is given credence by the traditional location of Eve's tomb within the city. Jeddah is, in fact, incorrect, but is popularly used by most non-Saudis living there.

Amin, Dilah and Azizah

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The youngest Haj and Hajjah in our group.
The were the cure to missing of our young children left at home.

Yes we missed them. But these children's presences were the God-sent cherishes to our hearts and minds.

Amin would pass you and ignore you on purpose.

When you did not realise Amin would hug you from the back.

Amin would join you when you want to have your snacks.

Your birthday was when we were in Mina.

We had no cakes for you,
but the ice creams of Mina is equally good.
So were the Fried Chicken fron Al Faik.

And the icecream were free in all those fridges.

And fill it up as fast as it empties.
The icecreams of Mina,
if only my coughing was not bothering me.

Dilah is as old as my Safwah
though you are plummer

Azizah had a signature pacifier
her name signed on it.

Thank you Children.Thank you the parents that brought them for the trip.

You had a special role that you all played without your realising, paticularly to the Hajjahs...

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

304, Firdhaus Umrah, Makkah

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It was written
that we were to be together
on a journey
unlike any journeys
to a place
unlike any place
for a reason
unlike any other reason.

If during the period
I had caused any inconvenience
or discomfort

I seek for forgiveness
and I too
had forgiven
though I dont think
there was any.



But Peace is the ultimate aim.

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Yes, That's the view from my Hotel at about 3.30 at night,
Firdaus Umrah in Makkah.

calm (käm)
adj., calm·er, calm·est.
Nearly or completely motionless; undisturbed: the calm surface of the lake.
Not excited or agitated; composed: The President was calm throughout the global crisis.
An absence or cessation of motion; stillness.
Serenity; tranquillity; peace.
A condition of no wind or a wind with a speed of less than 1 mile (2 kilometers) per hour, according to the Beaufort scale.
tr. & intr.v., calmed, calm·ing, calms.
To make or become calm or quiet: A warm bath will calm you. After the storm, the air calmed.

[Middle English calme, from Old French, from Old Italian calmo, from Late Latin cauma, heat of the day, resting place in the heat of the day, from Greek kauma, burning heat, from kaiein, to burn. N., from Middle English calme, from Italian calma, from Vulgar Latin *calma, from Late Latin.]

calm'ly adv.
calm'ness n.
SYNONYMS calm, tranquil, placid, serene, peaceful. These adjectives denote absence of excitement or disturbance: calm acceptance of the inevitable; hoped for a more tranquil life in the country; a soothing, placid tempermant; spent a serene, restful weekend at the lake; a peaceful hike through the scenic hills.

And the Archers on this hill abandoned their post

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Although The Prophet had preempted them against that.

The result was a massive defeat on the side of the Believers.

But the lesson to learn was not to abandon their post.

The answer is do not abandon the Quran.

The chaotic state of the Muslims today is because we abandon the Quran.

Behind the Uhud Hills

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The Battle of Uhud:

Victory – Not Defeat

Sheikh Abdul-Muhsin Al-Qaasim

All praise is due to Allah. May peace and blessings be upon His prophet Muhammad.

Fellow Muslims! Fear Allah as He should be feared for the fear of Allah increases one in blessings and removes calamities.

The Almighty Allah sent our prophet Muhammad to mankind after a break in the series of messengers at a time when the world was immersed in a deep darkness of ignorance. The Prophet and his companions started spreading the religion and the disbelievers challenged his message and unsheathed their swords to fight him. The Muslims faced them in the battle of Badr and realised a great victory by Allah’s command. The flag of Islam was raised high and the disbelievers returned to Makkah disgraced, everyone mourning the killing of his relative and lamenting over his misfortune.

The defeat was so painful for the disbelievers that they resolved to confront the Muslims again. They spent a whole year amassing as many weapons and men as they could to fight the Muslims. They left Makkah for Madeenah in the third year of Hijrah in order to avenge their defeat during the Battle of Badr.

Upon reaching Madeenah they camped at mount Uhud. Meanwhile some men among the Muslims who were unfortunate enough not to have participated in the Battle of Badr and were enthusiastic about Jihad advised the Messenger of Allah to go out and meet the enemy. The Prophet agreed and all the Muslims likewise were determined to go out and meet them.

After performing Friday Prayers, the Prophet entered his house, and emerged wearing an armoured breastplate, and declared, “It is not appropriate for any Prophet who has once put on his armour to take it off again until Allah has judged between him and his enemy (by granting one victory over the other).”

The Prophet then set out in the company of one thousand men, one third of whom turned back home after travelling part of the way towards Mount Uhud under the influence of the head of the hypocrites; Abdullah bin Ubay. The Prophet proceeded with the remaining men until he camped at the trail of Mount Uhud putting the mountain behind him and facing the idolaters. He assigned some fifty archers under the command of Abdullah ibn Jubair to man a small strategic foothill and commanded them not to leave their position under any circumstances.

On the morning of the following day, the Prophet mobilized his army, inspected their armour, paraded the youths, sent back those of them who were still too young to fight and approved the participation of others. Among those he allowed to participate were Samrah ibn Jundub and Raafi’ ibn Khadeej; they were then but fifteen years old.

The Quraysh, meanwhile, also got ready for the battle. They were three thousand strong; among them were two hundred horsemen led by Aboo Sufyan. Their intention was to put out the light of Allah and mislead His slaves, and the intention of the Muslims – who numbered only seven hundred men – was to attain victory from Allah or achieve martyrdom.

The Messenger of Allah urged his companions to fight and encouraged them to be patient and enduring.

The two armies then confronted each other with unsheathed swords, and a plethora of spears and arrows. Allah then gave permission to His Messenger to fight and the battle commenced in earnest. The Muslims initially gained the upper hand and Allah made them victorious. The disbelievers were exposed. Their standard fell and they turned their backs and fled.

When the archers saw the disbelievers defeated, they thought that there was no way they could make a comeback, and some of them left the position which the Prophet had commanded them to man in search of booty. Their leader reminded them of the Prophet’s order but his reminder fell on deaf ears and they left that strategic foothill.

Khaalid bin Waleed – who was still a kaafir at that time – emerged from behind the mount where the Prophet had positioned the archers; realising that most of the archers had left that strategic position; and killed the remaining ten archers. Thus the Muslims were surrounded by the unbelievers: by their cavalry from behind and their infantry in front. So they encircled them, and a group of the Muslims were defeated while the rest were scattered in disarray. The unbelievers recovered from their initial defeat, returned to their fallen standard and began to cause a disturbance among the broken ranks of the Muslims. And aught befell them but that which was the Will of Allah; and He blessed whom He willed with martyrdom. The Prophet boldly held fast while most of his companions fled away from him while he called to them to come and reap the blessings of the hereafter. Some returned and regrouped around him. The disbelievers too made for the Prophet wanting to kill him. They gashed his face, smashed his teeth with a stone and ruined his helmet, and he fell down into a trench made by Aboo Aamir Al-Faasiq (the Godless). Alee ibn Abee Taalib took him by the hand and Talhah ibn Ubaidillah embraced him, and Mus’ab ibn Umayr was killed defending him.

The disbelievers drew nearer to him, but a group of Muslims numbering about ten protected him valiantly until they were all killed. Then Talhah ibn Ubaidillah fought them courageously until he drove them away but his hand got amputated in the process. Aboo Dujaanah also shielded the Prophet with his back and though arrows were raining down on him he did not move. Then Satan proclaimed at the top of his voice that Muhammad had been killed. This proclamation made the Muslims lose heart and many of them began to turn away. The Prophet then drew near to the Muslims and when they saw him, they gathered around him and followed him to the mountain path where he camped.

Alee ibn Abee Taalib washed the blood from the Prophet’s face and poured water upon his head. When his daughter Faatimah saw that the water only increased his bleeding, she took a piece of straw mat, burnt it and put it on the wound and the bleeding stopped.

The Prophet was so overstrained that when he wanted to mount a rock, he could not until one of his companions aided him. The Muslims became concerned about their fallen brethren, so the Messenger of Allah went to see the martyrs and found that many had been impudently mutilated. He looked for his uncle Hamzah, and found him lying in the wadi (dry river bed), disembowelled with his nose and ears cut off.

The disbelievers also went back to their mounts with their injured and dying victims. Thus was the Battle of Uhud brought to an end, leaving behind seventy martyrs among the Muslims and twenty two perished among the unbelievers; with our victims going to paradise and theirs going to Hell.

Dear Muslims! The Battle of Uhud was a victory for us, not a defeat. The battle is full of lessons and admonitions. Its events are a bright legacy that Muslims inherit generation after generation. Sixty verses were revealed concerning the events of this great battle and they had a great impact on the mind of the Prophet and he continued to refer to them even upon his deathbed.

This religion was only able to reach us as a result of the great and bitter struggle of the Companions and our righteous predecessors. These people underwent huge difficulties and trials for the survival of this religion. Anas ibn An-Nadr was wounded eighty times in this battle and the enemy so mercilessly mutilated him that only his sister could identify him by his fingertips. Sa’d ibn Ar-Rabee’ was stabbed seventy times with spears and arrows. In light of this, stop and think: What have you done for our religion?

The noble companions were by no means the best of this Ummah by virtue of their being the first to embrace Islam, but rather by virtue of their companionship and courage. They sacrificed their lives and bodies for this religion until it reached us in its complete form; some returned with amputated limbs, others with badly torn up bodies, and yet others returned not, leaving behind widows and orphans. Therefore give them their due estimation, thank them for their efforts and invoke Allah’s pleasure on them, for their Lord has expressed His love for them; He is pleased with them and they are well pleased with Him.

Brothers in faith! Acts of disobedience to Allah turn glory into disgrace. Many souls were lost during that battle because of a misdeed. Adam was expelled from Paradise because of a single sin and a woman was condemned to Hell because she starved a cat to death. Therefore obey Allah and worship Him, you will get relief from hardship and do not do any act that may turn your enemy’s weapon against you.

In this decisive battle, Samrah and Raafi’ took part in it and were martyred while they were only fifteen years old. That is an indication that Islam prevailed and has been made great on the strength of the blood of such youths among the companions, and not by wasting time and running after lustful desires. The parents of these admirable youths strove to guide them, and they reaped the fruits of their efforts. But what about us: what have our youths done for their religion? What are their ambitions? What are their concerns? To what do they aspire? How can we attract them to Islam and avert them from bad company? - Those friends who fail you when you need them the most. They pretend to be your friends when you are in prosperity and turn into your enemies when you are in hardship. An prime example of this is how the hypocrites deserted the Sahaabah during their most trying period before the Battle of Uhud. Rather, keep the company of good people, for they guard you in your presence and absence, they strive for your benefit and defend you. Never despair of the reform of your society for success belongs to the righteous. Also do not despair of the mercy of Allah, for the Prophet endured persecution and injury until people entered into the religion of Allah in groups.

The end of all matters is in the hands of Allah; so always pray to Allah. The guidance of mankind is solely in the hands of the Creator of mankind. Consider the case of Aboo Sufyan who was the standard bearer of the kuffar in the Battle of Uhud and yet was seen during the conquest of Makkah saying the Kalimah. Similarly, Wahshee, who killed Hamzah (the Prophet’s Uncle), soon after embraced Islam and later went on to kill the notorious false Prophet Musaylamah the Liar. Be afraid of Allah, lest you be misled, for mankind’s hearts are between two of Allah’s fingers and He turns them about as He likes. Pray to Him for continued steadfastness and strength of heart.

Be also aware that whenever a man falls into sin, repentance always remove them regardless of their multitude and magnitude. Consider the case of Khaalid ibn Al-Waleed who led the disbelievers’ cavalry during the Battle of Uhud and by whose hand many honourable companions were martyred. When Allah opened his heart to Islam, he came to the Prophet and said, “I make one condition: That you forgive me all my past misdeeds.” The Prophet replied him thus: “O Khaalid! Do you not know that Islam negates all that precedes it, and that repentance erases whatever sins one might have committed before?”

Therefore free yourself, my dear brother, from the mire of sins, and repent for good deeds remove the evil ones. Also hold fast to this religion for much blood has been shed in its cause. Further, a man is sometimes tested through his close relations, but one must be patient with whatever they may do, for it was the Prophet’s relatives who came to Madeenah to kill him and they did what most of the other unbelievers would never do by mutilating the Muslim martyrs. Yet, the Prophet forgave them during the conquest of Makkah. Therefore emulate the Prophet, be kind to your kith and kin and overlook whatever they do to you.

Beware also of dissention and controversy for they cause defeat, and do not dispute with one another lest you lose courage and your strength departs and be patient. When ever you are in prosperity do not be lulled into a false sense of security when you commit sins; for sorrow may be disguised beneath a façade of enjoyment. Consider the case of the archers who were delighted when they saw the booty and left their positions in order to get their share of it, hence making the whole army suffer a near defeat as a consequence. No condition is permanent. Therefore be patient in difficulties and thank Allah when you are in contentment.

Prophets were only human beings who suffered just as their fellow human beings suffered; they should not be raised above the position of servitude to Allah so as not to diminish their position. The Messenger of Allah wore his armour, fought along side his companions and Angels Jibreel and Meekaaeel fought for him, and even so his face was cut open and his teeth broken. Allah alone commands all that happens by His Divine Will. Had the Prophet possessed any power for himself then surely not a drop of his blood would have been spilt. Direct all your acts of worship to Allah alone. Humble yourself before Him; He will make your affairs easy for you.

Moreover, Uhud is just a mountain, blessings should not be sought from its soil and pebbles should not be picked up. It was at its side that seventy Muslims were martyred and the Prophet injured. If it had possessed any special benefit, what happened would not have happened. Leave your affairs to Allah, trust Him and take refuge with Him during times of hardship.

It is an ideal of manhood and generosity to appreciate the services rendered for the cause of religion. The ideal was exemplified by the Prophet when he kept the valiant deeds of the Uhud martyrs fresh in his memory until he died. On his deathbed eight years later, he prayed for them as if he was bidding them farewell. So always honour the great men of this religion. Aboo Sufyan said, “I have never seen a person love another person as the companions of Muhammad loved him” Allah says,

“If it had been Allah’s will, He himself could certainly have punished them (without you). But (He lets you fight) in order to test some of you with others. But those who are killed in the way of Allah, He will never let their deeds be lost. He will guide them and set right their state. And admit to Paradise which He has made known to them.”

(Muhammad 47: 4-6)

Fellow Muslims! The only way to attain Heaven is through hardship and toil; the road to it is long and tortuous, filled with trials and difficulties. Only through being humble to Allah during trials does Allah grant one victory. Whenever Allah wants to honour a slave of His, He tests him and He raises his rank according to his humility and submission to Him. Allah has prepared for His believing slaves positions in His Abode of Honour, that can not be attained except through undergoing trials and He has also prepared for them means that can lead them to those positions through different tests. Submit yourself to the will of Allah, and be pleased with what He decrees for you.

One of the righteous predecessors said, “If it were not for trials and calamities (that we have in this world) we would arrive on the Day of Judgement bankrupt.”

Each day of our lives is different, our conditions are always changing; a day of victory and another of defeat; a day of glory, and another of disgrace; a day of good health and another of sickness; a day of wealth and another of poverty. Make use of your worldly blessings to achieve prosperity in your hereafter and know that whoever gives precedence to this world over the hereafter has ruined his chances of success in both of them.

Acknowledgement: Taken from

It could be

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another international entreprenuer in the making..

could it be.

One of the Jamrah's

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Where the throwing is done.
Previously it was just a pillar.

Now they had expanded that to look like a sail.
That way more people can throw safely.

Even then, it still happens.

Can it be prevented,

Could proper crowd control procedures be instituted.

One wonders.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Behind the Minarets and Domes

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Behind the Minarets and Domes
is Truth
for those who search.
is repentance
for those who ask

When My servants ask thee
concerning Me,
I am indeed close (to them):
I listen to the prayer
of every suppliant
when he calleth on Me:

Let them also,
with a will,
Listen to My call,
and believe in Me:
That they may walk
in the right way.

( سورة البقرة , Al-Baqara,
Chapter #2, Verse #186)

Two Old Boys at Jeddah Haj Terminal

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Yes, Two old boys, budak kolet, before flying back to Kuala Lumpur. Well there was another in the same KT45, Datok Ghani, but he was nowhere to be seen when this photo was taken.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Site visits

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Near the site where the prophet meditate regularly before the revelations came.

It was in a cave here where the first revelation came.

The traditionists have related on the strength of their respective authorities the story of the beginning of revelation from Imam Az-Zuhri, who had it from Hadrat Urwah bin Zubair, who had it from Hadrat Aishah, his aunt. She states that revelations to the Holy Prophet (upon whom be peace) began in the form of true (according to other traditions, good) visions. Whichever vision he saw it seemed as though he saw it in broad daylight. Afterwards solitude became dear to him and he would go to the Cave of Hiraa' to engage in worship there for several days and nights (Hadrat Aishah has used the word tahannuth, which Imam Zuhri has explained as ta`abbud: devotional exercises.

This was some kind of worship which he performed, for until then he had not been taught the method of performing the Prayer by Allah). He would take provisions with him and stay there for several days, then would return to Hadrat Khadijah who would again provide for him for a few more days.

One day when he was in the Cave of Hiraa', Revelation came down to him unexpectedly and the Angel said, to him: "Read". After this Hadrat Aishah reports the words of the Holy Prophet himself, to the effect,

"I said: I cannot read! There upon the Angel took me and pressed me until I could bear it no more. Then he left me and said: Read. I said: I cannot read! He pressed me a second time until I could bear it no more. Then he left me and said: Read. I again said: I cannot read! He pressed me for the third time until I could bear it no more. Then he left me and said: Iqra' bismi Rabbi kal-ladhi khalaqa: (Read in the name of your Lord Who created) till he reached ma lam ya` lam (what he did not know).

Hadrat Aishah says: "Then the Holy Messenger (upon whom be peace) returned home to Hadrat Khadijah trembling with fear, and said to her: `Cover me, cover me', and he was covered. When terror left him, he said: `O Khadijah, what has happened to me? ' Then he narrated to her whatever had happened, and said: `I fear for my life'.

She said; `No never! Be of good cheer. By God, never will God debase you: you treat the kindred well, you speak the truth, (one tradition adds: you restore what is entrusted to you), you bear the burden of the helpless, you help the poor, you entertain the guests, and you cooperate in good works.

Then she took him to Waraqah bin Naufal, who was her cousin. He had become a Christian in pre-Islamic days, wrote the Gospel in Arabic and Hebrew, and had become very old and blind. Hadrat Khadijah said: `Brother, listen to the son of your brother. ' Waraqah said to the Holy Prophet: `What have you seen, nephew? ' The Holy Prophet described what he had seen. Waraqah said; `This is the same Namus (the Angel of Revelation) which Allah had sent down to Moses. Would that I were a young man during your Prophethood! Would that I were alive when your tribe would expel you! '

The Holy Prophet said: `Will they expel me? ' Waraqah said; `Yes, never has it so happened that a person brought what you have brought and was not treated as an enemy. If I live till then I would help you with all the power at my command. ' But not very long after this Waraqah died. "

Inside the ladies tent

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In Mina where we camped for 4 nights

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Sai Between Safa Marwah

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The devotional act of walking seven times back and forth between the knolls of Safa and Marwah. This act retraces the footsteps of Hajar (wife of Prophet Ibrahim), during her desperate search for water for her infant son Ismail after they were left in the desert by Prophet Ibrahim in response to a divine vision.

A small knoll approximately half a mile from the Kabah inside Al Masjid ul Haram. The pilgrim performs the devotional act of Sai between the knolls of Safa and Marwah.

A small knoll (i.e., hillock) located approximately one hundred yards from the Kabah inside Al Masjid ul Haram. The pilgrim performs the devotional rite of Sai between the knolls of Safa and Marwah.

Muslims Pray towards The Kaaba

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From anywhere in in the world
The direction is the kaaba.

The Muslim Prayer in Bible

Lets see, how the Muslim Prayer can be compared to the Prayer in Bible.

First thing in muslim prayer is the Adhan or the call to prayer.

"O you who believe! when the call is made for the prayer....hasten to the rememberance of Allah" - (Holy Quran 6:29)

"And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying, make thee two trumphets of silver...that thou mayest use them for calling of the assembly...And when they shall blow them, all the assembly shall assemble themselves to thee at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation" - (Numbers 10:1-3)

Now, when the faithful come to the Mosque they take off their shoes so that they may enter the house of worship in bare feet.

"When he came to the fire, a voice was uttered: O Moses! I am the Lord, therefore put off thy shoes, for thou art in the sacred valley of Tuwa." - (Holy Quran 20:11-12)

(And god said to Moses), "Draw not nigh hither; put off thy shoes from off thy feet, for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground." - (Exodus 3:5, also ACTS 7:33).

So, before standing for prayer, Muslims make Ablution, washing their faces, hands, feet, etc.

"O you who believe! when you rise up for prayer, wash your faces and your hands as far as the elbows, and wipe your heads, and wash your feet to the ankles." - (Holy Quran 5:7)

"And Moses and Aaron and his sons washed their hands and their feet threat; when they went into the tent of the congregation they washed as the Lord commanded Moses." - (Exodus 40:31-32)

After this, the Muslims stand for prayer facing the Kaaba or the Great Mosque in Mecca.

"So turn thy face towards the sacred Mosque, and (O Muslims), wheresoever ye may be, turn your faces towards it."

"Now when Daniel...went into the house; and his window being open in the chamber towards Jerusalem, he kneeled upon his knees three times a day, and prayed, and gave thanks before his God, as he did aforetime." - (Daniel 6:10)

The House of Worship or the Mosque is a place of peace and serenity, withouth images or idols of worship, and simple with a carpet on which to sit or stand and to meditate.

"God forgiveth not (the sin of) joining other gods with him; who joins other gods with God, hath strayed far, far away (from the Right)." - (Holy Quran 4:116).

"I am the Lord thy God... Thou shalt have no other Gods in front of me. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in earth beneath, or that is in water under the earth..." - Exodus 20:2-5.

In the Prayer, Muslims bow down before God, and make obeisance to Him, by touching the ground before them with their foreheads.

"O You who believe! bow down and prostrate yourselves and serve your lord, and do good that you may prosper." - (Holy Quran 22:77)

"And he (Jesus) went a little further, and fell on his face, and prayed..." - (Matt 26:39).

"And Joshua fell on his face to the earth, and did worship..." (Joshua 5:14)

"And they (Moses and Aaron) fell upon their faces..." (Num 20:6)

"And Abraham fell on his face..." - (Genesis 17:3)

And lastly, when the prayer is over, the Muslims spread out their hands to God, asking forgiveness, seeking his Blessings, beseeching his protection for mankind.

"Our Lord! Give us good in this world and good in the hereafter, and defend us from the torment of the fire." - (Holy Quran 2:201)

"...when Soloman had made an end of praying all his prayer and supplication unto the Lord, he arose from before the altar of the Lord, from kneeling on his knees with his hands spread up to Heaven" -(1 Kings 8:54)

"And Jesus Lifted up his eyes and said, Father, I thank Thee that Thou heardest me. And i knew that Thou heardest me always: but because of the people which stand by I said it, that they may believe that Thou hast send me." - (Jhon 11:41-42)

Making the intention for Haj or Umrah

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Starts with stopping at a mosque outside the boundaries of The Haram land.

There the two piece ihram is put on.
Then one does the solat tahiyatul masjid and the optional solat ihram.

Then the intent for Haj or Umrah is

Only then one enters the Haram land.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Like Flies

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Truth is they emulate
they circling of the Throne
by the angels

the circling of the nucleus
in the atom

but the truth is....

Thursday, February 09, 2006

I can only steal it's beauty

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Through my Cellphone camera
and if they saw me capture
they might even take it away

but without flash
it is less obvious

and why should they not let
the less fortunate to also see

the beauty man dedicate
to the One and Only.

The Overlapping mattresses of Mina

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Many so were cramped
into so small a tent
that mattresses overlap one another
and one had to sleep slanted
as if it is in the Lahat of the grave

A reminder on of how small we are
how insignificant we could be.

From the Highest General
to the chief judge
to a retired teacher
or a businessman
you get what is written to be yours

It is air conditioned though,
and be early if you want to use the toilet.

There are time for other things too

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Like Shopping for instance.
Gifts, Clothings, sandals, Gold
are among the favorites.

If every pilgrim bought 10 gowns
that would mean 30 Million pieces of gowns. Black arab gowns and turkish scaffs are also a sell out.

Made in China things also flood the market.

Buy, Buy, Siti Rahmah.

IN Mecca it was a bit more luxurious than Arafah

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Packed six of us in a room. Wife separated next door with the other ladies.

But we are not here on holidays, so its not that bad.

The Last Summon

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(This Sermon was delivered on the Ninth Day of Dhul Hijjah 10 A.H in the Uranah Valley of mount Arafat ) Note: Found on the Net, but without source or copyright information. Please contact if you have information

"O People, lend me an attentive ear, for I don't know whether, after this year, I shall ever be amongst you again. Therefore listen to what I am saying to you carefully and TAKE THIS WORDS TO THOSE WHO COULD NOT BE PRESENT HERE TODAY.

O People, just as you regard this month, this day, this city as Sacred, so regard the life and property of every Muslim as a sacred trust. Return the goods entrusted to you to their rightful owners. Hurt no one so that no one may hurt you. Remember that you will indeed meet your LORD, and that HE will indeed reckon your deeds. ALLAH has forbidden you to take usury (Interest), therefore all interest obligation shall henceforth be waived...

Beware of Satan, for your safety of your religion. He has lost all hope that he will ever be able to lead you astray in big things, so beware of following him in small things.

O People, it is true that you have certain rights with regard to your women, but they also have right over you. If they abide by your right then to them belongs the right to be fed and clothed in kindness. Do treat your women well and be kind to them for they are your partners and comitted helpers. And it is your right that they do not make friends with any one of whom you do not approve, as well as never to commit adultery.

O People, listen to me in earnest, whorship ALLAH, say your five daily prayers (Salah), fast during the month of Ramadhan, and give your wealth in Zakat. Perform Hajj if you can afford to. You know that every Muslim is the brother of another Muslim. YOU ARE ALL EQUAL. NOBODY HAS SUPERIORITY OVER OTHER EXCEPT BY PIETY AND GOOD ACTION.

Remember, one day you will appear before ALLAH and answer for your deeds. So beware, do not astray from the path of righteousness after I am gone.

O People, NO PROPHET OR APOSTLE WILL COME AFTER ME AND NO NEW FAITH WILL BE BORN. Reason well, therefore, O People, and understand my words which I convey to you. I leave behind me two things, the QUR'AN and my example, the SUNNAH and if you follow these you will never go astray.

All those who listen to me shall pass on my words to others and those to others again; and may the last ones understand my words better than those who listen to me direcly. BE MY WITNESS O ALLAH THAT I HAVE CONVEYED YOUR MESSAGE TO YOUR PEOPLE."

Will there still be a place for me ?

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People moving in
into the mosque
seeking tranquility
that is not similar elsewhere
here thoughts can change
into reality with a blink of an eye.

One said, I fear
when i am here
but fearing the Lord
is unlike other fears

The More you fear
The more you strive to be near

Better Late than Never

Gold and Silver

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Fair in the eyes of men
is the love of things they covet:

Women and sons;

Heaped-up hoards of gold and silver;

horses branded (for blood and excellence);

and (wealth of) cattle and well-tilled land.

Such are the possessions of this world's life;

but in nearness to Allah is the best of the goals (To return to).

( سورة آل عمران , Aal-e-Imran, Chapter #3, Verse #14)

In between the blocks

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it looks like a scale
is made to measure the minaret
or is it..

towering minarets

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Jabal Rahmah

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According to ancient Arabian traditions, when Adam and Eve were cast from Paradise they fell to different parts of the earth; Adam on a mountain on the island of Serendip, or Sri Lanka, and Eve in Arabia, on the border of the Red Sea near the port of Jeddah.

For many years Adam and Eve wandered separate and lonely about the earth In search for each other

Finally, in consideration of their penitence and wretchedness, God permitted them to come together again on Mt Arafah, near the present city of Mecca (previously called Becca or Bakkah, meaning narrow valley).

At Jabal Rahmah they cried for 12 years asking forgiveness from God.

Adam then prayed to God that a shrine might be granted to him similar to that at which he had worshipped in Paradise. Adam's prayers were answered and a shrine was built. (This is a pre-Islamic legend and the Koran, the Islamic Holy Scripture, says nothing whatsoever of Adam’s connection with Mecca or of a shrine he prayed at).

Adam is said to have died and been buried in Mecca and Eve in Jeddah by the sea which still bears her name, jiddah, meaning maternal ancestor in Arabic.

God knows better.

Another view of the Prophet's mosque of Madinah

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It is a Masterpiece indeed.

My tent at the Valley Of Tents in Arafah

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Arafah is a desert location approximately 21 km from Makkah.

Pilgrims don't have to get crowded on the Mount of Rahmah (Mountain of Mercy). They can stay in any place WITHIN the boundaries of Arafah.

Prayer Upon Entering Arafah:

O Allah!
Forgive my sins,
help me repent to you,
and grant me all
that I beseech of You.
Whenever I turn,
let me see goodness.
Allah be praised!
All Praise is due to Allah!
There is no deity except Allah!
And Allah is The Most Great.

Praying in Arafah

Once in Arafah, the pilgrim should spend as much time in prayer and remembrance of Allah as possible.

This is a very special day and the pilgrim may never see it again.

Everyone must make the most of out it.

Very late at night in Makkah

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The land of Abraham, Ishmael.

Around the Prophet's Mosque

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In an afternoon
after asr prayer.

Ihram - The two piece dress of Haj

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Two Piece?

Ustad Shubli,
does that mean no underwears allowed?

The Golden Gates of The sacred Tomb

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1. The Holy Prophet 2. Hadrat Abu Bakr Siddique 3. Hadrat Umar Farooq

In front of the sacred tomb of The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him), there are three sections of brass screens and all three have holes in them. Look at the picture carefully. If you stand in front of the middle section between the pillars, you'll see a big round hole on your left. This is in front of the face of the Holy Prophet. Adjacent to it is a door that stays closed. Right after it on the right side is a round hole which is in front of the face of Hadrat Abu Bakr Siddique. On the right of it, there is another round hole which is in front of the face of Hadrat Umar Farooq.

Here is an enlarged view of the screen in front of the sacred face of our beloved Prophet (peace be upon him). Standing in front of it and facing it, say in a respectful and hushed voice:
"Assalamu alaika, ayyuhan-nabiyya wa rahmatul-lahi wa barakatuhu"
(Peace be on you, O Prophet, and the mercy and blessings of Allah.)
After this say:
"Assalatu was-salamu alaika ya Rasul-Allah"
"Assalatu was-salamu alaika ya Nabi-yallah"
"Assalatu was-salamu alaika ya Habib-Allah"
Then supplicate to Allah for good things in this life and the life after death. You may use the same supplication recited earlier during the Tawaf :
"Rabbana atina fid-dunya hasanatan wa fil-akhirati hasanatan wa qina azabin nar."

Offer Salam of others. Now offer salam of relatives or friends in your own language or say:
"Asslamu alaika ya Rasul Allah min----."
After the word "min", add the name of your friend or relative.

Salam on Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique. Then move a little to the right and stand before the grave of Hazrat Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him). Greet him and supplicate to bestow His mercy and forgiveness on him.

Salam on Hazrat Umar Farooq. Again move a little to the right before the grave of Hazrat Umar ( may Allah be pleased with him), and greet him and make supplication for him.

Forty Prayers. Men should offer forty prayers (Salat) in the Prophet’s Mosque, but it is not a requirement of any kind. It is only Mustahab, i.e., rewarding if done, but if not done there is no sin.

Other places to visit. Other important places to visit are: Masjid Quba, Jannat al-Baqee, graves of Hazrat Hamzah and other martyrs of Uhud (may Allah be pleased with them). These places are described under the heading: "Historical Places of Madinah".

Departure from Madinah. When you have to leave Madinah, offer your Salam again to the Prophet (peace be upon him), cry at this separation, supplicate to Allah and leave with the earnest desire to come back.

Is this a mosque or a palace

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It is both..

But my O2 camera
does not do justice
to the beauty.

Oh No this can't be true..

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Starbuck Coffee
is there too?

Are you kidding?

Yes, No, Yes...

The Green Dome

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How long have you stood there
Who had build you
How difficult was it then
Who funded it
what tools did you have then
where did the materials come from

But it must be love
that makes them sweat through
till completion.

In the mist of dawn

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Who could resist
to capture
the beauty
even though
one is not allowed to

Forgive me
but I had to.

Masjid Nabawi Dec 2005.

As if The MInaret says

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La illahaillallah

There is no God But He

The Shadow of the Post

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Whatever beings there are in the heavens and the earth do prostrate themselves to Allah (Acknowledging subjection),- with good-will or in spite of themselves: so do their shadows in the morning and evenings.
( سورة الرعد , Ar-Rad, Chapter #13, Verse #15)

They say this is what behind the gates

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But I guest
you would want
me to seek
what lies after this life
more than anything else.

The Prophet's Tomb

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Tens of thousands of pilgrims visited the resting place of the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) in the holy city of Medina in Saudi Arabia before heading to Makkah for the annual Haj pilgrimage.

Masjed Al Nabawi (Prophet's Mosque) bustled with worshippers visiting the Prophet Mohammed's mausoleum inside.

Some prayed, others either read from the Holy Quran or sat in silent reflection.

Obmar felt tears flow as obmar passes this gate and giving Salam to Rasullullah.

The Gate

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Behind the gate lies you, O Rasullullah.
And I can only to touch the gate briefly
as the one behind keeps on pushing.

Peace be on you,
O Messenger of Allah.

Peace be on you,
O Prophet of Allah.

Peace be on you,
O Muhammad son of Abdillah.

Peace be on you,
O the seal of Prophets.

I bear witness that you carried and delivered the Message,
established the prayers,
paid the prescribed alms,
directed to do what is lawful,
forbade not to do what is unlawful,
devotedly worshipped and served
till the inevitable came unto you.

Blessings and 'mercy of Allah be
on you and on your pure children.

I bear witness that there is no God save Allah,
the One who has no associate.
I bear witness that Muhammad
is His bondman and Messenger,
I bear witness that verily you are the Messenger of Allah,
and you are Muhammad son of Abdullah.
I bear witness
that you carried and, delivered the Message of your Lord,

gave sincere advise to your followers,
strived in the way of Allah,
worshipped and served Allah,
with wisdom and good counsel,
that which was entrusted to you from the True God
has been pronounced by you,
you were kind unto the faithfuls,
but severely dealt with the infidels.

so Allah raised you
to the noblest and
the most celebrated position,

Praise be to Allah that He saved
us, through you, from "giving
partners to Allah", and from going astry,

O Allah, therefore,
Thy blessings,
blessings of Thy favourite Angels,
commissioned Prophets,
pious servants,
and the dwellers of the heavens
and the earths,
and those who glorify Thee,

O Lord of the worlds,
from the beginning
to the end,
be on Muhammad, Thy bondman,
sincere friend,
preferred choice,
and goodness,
Thou Thyself chose
from among all that
which has been created by Thee.

O Allah elevate him to the highest rank,
make him the means of approach to the Paradise,
let him reach and stay at the
praised position,
(so that) the ancients and the
moderns find his position enviable.

O Allah Thou has said:
"And if, when they had wronged
themselves, they had but come
unto you and asked forgiveness
of the Messenger, they would
have found Allah Forgiving, Merciful."

I seek your forgiveness, repentant
of my wrongdoing, and, through
you, direct myself towards Allah,
my Lord and your Lord, for
obtaining pardon for me.

0 Allah send blessings on
Muhammad for the reason that
he carried and sustained Thy
revelation, and delivered Thy Message;
send blessings on Muhammad
for the reason that he prescribed
Thy lawful and proscribed Thy
unlawful, and taught Thy Book;

send blessings on Muhammad
for the reason that he established the prayers
and gave the obligatory alms, and invited unto Thy Religion;

send blessings on Muhammad
for the reason that he proved the
truth of Thy covenant and reminded people to beware of Thy warning;
send blessings on Muhammad for
the reason that Thou forgives sins,
covers shortcomings, alleviates
suffering, through him;

send blessings on Muhammad
for the reason that Thou wards
off misery and impudence,
dispels sorrows, accepts
supplications, and keeps safe from
misfortunes, through him;

send blessings on Muhammad for the reason that Thou took pity on mankind, made barren lands grow fertile, put asunder the tyrants, and destroyed the ' dictators through him;

send blessings on Muhammad
for the reason that Thou
multiplied provisions, provided
refuge when terror reigned
supreme, wrecked and uprooted
the offensive loathsome forces of
idolatory, and kept mankind
covered with Thy mercy through him;
send blessings on Muhammad for the reason that
Thou sent him with the best of creeds, made faith
strong, demolished the idols,
glorified the Holy Kaa'bah
through him;

send blessings and absolute peace
on Muhammad and on his pure and pious children.

Peace be on you,
0 Messenger of Allah.

I leave you with Allah,
I request you to pay attention to me,
I say "peace be on you",

I believe in Allah,
and in that which you brought,
and in that to which you guided.
0 Allah let not my this visitation
to the grave of Thy Prophet be the
last such occasion.

If I am to die before I come here
again, then I,
in the event of my death,
bear witness to that which I
used to testify in my lifetime,

that there is no god save Thou,

and that Muhammad is Thy bondman and Thy Messenger,

blessings of Allah be on him and his children.