Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Why is my heart still there

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when I am already here
back at home

was it that
I had left a portion of my heart
when I was there

that I longed to go back


I shall go back.


Anonymous said...

I love the title of your post, and can greatly relate to it. Was there last Ramadan. those pictures bring lots of memory and longing to be there again at this moment. If only the whole earth is as peaceful as Medina.

Thank you very much for sharing those wonderful experience. You don't know how much it means to me to be reminded of Makkah and Medina.

Anonymous said...


yes, i know exactly what you mean.

it is sanctuary.

i was there this hajj too, alhamdulillah.

Anonymous said...

why should your heart be here whereas, here is just there, and there is nowhere, and nowhere He is not!

if you enter a forest and you happen to like a "here" in the forest, will that "here" be the answer to the forest or the forest be the answer to the "here"?

wakden said...

It is much easier to say, anon,
but you have to be there to fully
understand what I mean.

Two days ago, I receive a SMS from a colleage that was on the same trip with me last Dec.

He went back again for Umrah with his family.

He sent the SMS while he is in front of the Kaabah.

How luck for him to be able to go back so soon.