Arafah is a desert location approximately 21 km from Makkah.
Pilgrims don't have to get crowded on the Mount of Rahmah (Mountain of Mercy). They can stay in any place WITHIN the boundaries of Arafah.
Prayer Upon Entering Arafah:
O Allah!
Forgive my sins,
help me repent to you,
and grant me all
that I beseech of You.
Whenever I turn,
let me see goodness.
Allah be praised!
All Praise is due to Allah!
There is no deity except Allah!
And Allah is The Most Great.
Praying in Arafah
Once in Arafah, the pilgrim should spend as much time in prayer and remembrance of Allah as possible.
This is a very special day and the pilgrim may never see it again.
Everyone must make the most of out it.
This is luxurious compared to the one I had to endure with...
Before "desert storm", camps were prevalently of the "lorry canvas" category...
But that one accomodates 14 male adults. It comes with air conditioning too, though.
The tents are mostly built from heavy "guni" type cloth, not meant for rain. The type shown is special for those who paid for "perkhidmatan khas" ie extra charge. Majority still no air-cond.
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