What are the odds of getting to kiss the Hajar Aswad during the Haj season?
Must be very small indeed, because of the crowd. But ask HIM, who knows if He could make it easy for you...Real easy, that after it was over obmar cried thinking of His Greatness and His Mercy.
Hajar Aswad (Black Stone)
The sacred Black Stone set about chest-high in the eastern corner of the Ka’bah was originally placed there by Prophet Ibrahim. It is a heavy oval stone, of black reddish color. Its diameter is 30 cm, surrounded with a silver frame. The pilgrim is required to kiss the black stone if possible.
It is told that the Prophet Muhammed said, "The stone and the station of Ibrahim are bequeathed from paradise, but ALLAH obliterated their light, otherwise they would have lit between east and west". He also said, "When the black stone was lowered from paradise, it was whiter than milk, but the sins of humans made it black”.
Tawaf is started by kissing or touching or pointing towards the Black Stone and brought to completion at it, after seven circles.
ask and ye shall receive.
What terence said, is correct. Subhanallah, i had that opportunity, one morning, 2 days after arafah. I think even my wife was startled to see me arrived home on a high that morning. Haj 2003
INSHALLAH 1 day i could visit the HAJAR ASWAD...it is one of my greatest dream.
INSHALLAH i could visit one day to HAJAR ASWAD
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